Moneta RTK

Riga Technical College

Riga Technical College was founded on the basis of State Electrical Equipment Factory (VEF) Vocational School in 1935. In the course of time the name was changed several times:

  • from 1935 to 1945 it was State Electrical Equipment Factory (VEF) Vocational School;
  • from 1945 to 1985- Riga Electrical Mechanical Vocational School;
  • from 1985 to 1992- Riga Radio Electronic Equipment Vocational School;
  • from 1992 to present- Riga Technical College.

Riga Technical College has become one of the most stable and significant higher vocational education institutions in Latvia, which implements state accredited 1st level of higher vocational education study programs preparing students in the branches significant for the Latvian economy: Electronics, information technologies, telecommunication, power engineering, transport, machine building.
Jānis Rozenblats has been College principal since 2000.
On March 21, 2002 College was accredited as a state higher vocational education institution. In 2011 College was granted the name of Vocational Education Competence Centre „Riga Technical College”. In 2013 the branches in Daugavpils, Kandava and Priekuļi were accredited.
Riga Technical College has its symbols: a graduate’s signet ring approved in 2002, the College flag blessed by priest Juris Rubenis in 2005 and the College emblem approved in 2014. In 2005 the College anthem was written by Dina Kristīne Bitēna and the music was composed by Atvars Sirmais. 

National Token is not available for purchase at the moment.

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