The Red Cross Medical College of RSU

The Red Cross Medical College of Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) is a higher education institution which on the means of national budget offers two first level higher professional education study programs – Nursing and Medicine, as well as a vocational education program Nursing.
The aim of the Red Cross Medical College of RSU is to promote a high quality professional education for nurses and doctor-assistants and possible further education in connection with requirements of the labor market using appropriately existing intellectual, technical material and financial resources, developing closer cooperation among lecturers, enabling mutual integration of study subjects and collaboration with colleagues abroad and modernize interaction between lecturers and students in the process of teaching and learning.
While studying in Red Cross Medical College of RSU you will:

  • acquire the content of studies taught by highly skilled university lecturers
  • be able to perfect the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in Latvian health care facilities
  • receive the necessary study books in the library
  • be able to take part in the College Students’ Self-government and the Operational Unit
  • be able to live in the Student Hotel in Mežciems (fee – LVL 20.00 per month)

We can be proud of having the connection with the Red Cross organization. The College during its entire existence has always complied with its core values symbolized by the Red Cross sign and embodiment of merciful nurse: justice, courage, intelligence, modesty and compassion. 

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