Moneta Rezeknes zens

Boy with dog

Rēzekne municipality, the biggest one in Latvia, is located 250 km from Riga, in the Eastern part of Latvia named Latgale.
Many poets and writers of Rēzekne municipality have been inspired by the beautiful nature, dark soil, blue lakes and local charm. The talented writer Jānis Klīdzējs (1914- 2000) who was born in Rēzekne region noted that the birthplace had given him the inspiration more than 10 000 kilometers away: in the USA. He described the childhood memories in the famous book „The Child of Man” (1956) which was adapted into the film in 1991. It was included into the Guinness book of World Records as the first film in the Latgalian language.
In summer of 2012, there was opened the memorial stone for Klīdzējs in the Kantinieki cemetery. The stone depicts the energetic boy Boņuks and his dog Žiks which is also his best friend. On the stone, there is the sentence which describes the Rezekne municipality very well: „There is no place on Earth like this”.
Welcome to Rēzekne municipality!

National Token is available for purchase: 
Souvenir shop "Lāde"
Krasta iela 31, Rēzekne, LV-4601, Latvija
Phone: (+371) 26579265

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