Moneta tramvajs

Retro Tram 

The renovated Retro Tram offers visitors to Riga a unique way to learn about this historic metropolis of Art Nouveau. 
The "Circle of Boulevards" tour offers a look at some of the great symbols of architecture and culture in Riga – the Latvian National Opera, the Freedom Monument, the Latvian National Theatre, and other important and distinguished structures. At the final destination of the route in Ausekla Street, you may want to walk through the “Art Nouveau” neighbourhood of Elizabetes, Alberta and other nearby streets. 
The "Mežaparks" tour brings you to the Mežaparks neighbourhood of beautiful private homes designed largely in accordance with the aesthetics of Art Nouveau. You will find the so-called “Swiss summer home” style, as well as the German “motherland style”. At the Mežaparks stop, you can disembark for a visit to the Riga Zoo, then taking the tram back to the city centre.

National Token is not available for purchase at the moment.

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